April 30, 2012

Camp John Hay in Baguio City

A major destination in Baguio City, Camp John Hay boasts lots of facilities among the tourists and its guests. It has hotels, private vacation houses, shopping center with restaurants and stores and convention centers. Recreational activities and attractions such as horseback riding, zip line, rappel, paint ball, butterfly garden, picnic areas/cottages and Art Park are also available.

Activities in Camp John Hay
It’s also where I felt that I was really “in Baguio” moment with all the pine trees around, beautiful landscapes, the cool climate and very peaceful ambiance. And because the place is really huge, about 690-hectare according to its website, we only explored some of its areas due to limited time.

Pine Tress Everywhere
The Camp John Hay Historical Core
Though the whole place is now leased by a private developer, it’s comforting to know that the Philippine government still retained a fraction of the property and maintains the Historical Core with the Bell House, Library and Museum, Bell Amphitheatre and the Cemetery of Negativitism. Entrance rate is Php50 per person.

The Bell House & Bell Amphitheatre
Bell House Entrance
This was named after Major General Franklin Bell, who was the commander of the Philippine department during that time. He himself designed the Italian Garden as well as the Bell House and Amphitheater.

Bell Amphitheatre

Cemetery of Negativitism
Yeah, I’ve been hit by this! Another reminder for a pessimist like me, that negativitism is no good at all and it only limits us from reaching the best that we can be.

Cemetery of Negativism

The Verdict
Camp John Hay is surely one of the best places to visit when in Baguio City. Though the place has lots of development now, I’m still thankful that the Historical Core is still preserved for us to appreciate not just the Baguio’s historic moments, but as a whole country in general. Plus, it has the cleanest and pleasant view of Pine trees with all its amenities and recreational activities available, it’s surely a “one stop shop” destination in Baguio City!


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