
About She Wanders24
She Wanders24 is a collection of thoughts, experiences, and tips of a wanderer and self confessed pessimist; who is now working on becoming an optimist (hurray!). Beautiful places, great food and other stuff that interests her are her motivation to get rid of negative thinking and to think of happy and fulfilling things she had experienced instead.

Join her as she wanders through life. She’ll post some of her best and worst experiences as she wanders!

The Girl behind She Wanders24

Donna Java is a pure blooded Ilonggo but currently residing in Cebu City. She is an Online Marketing Specialist (SEO & PPC) by profession. Discovering new places, experiences and inspiration are her break from corporate life. Travelling is also her way of confirming that staying in your comfort zone will not bring you to places and let you experience new great things.

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