March 31, 2012

Badjao Seafront Restaurant: A pleasant & unpleasant experience

Okay, dining at Badjao Seafront Restaurant was not originally part of our itinerary for our first Palawan tour. It’s famous, but not as Ka Lui and Kinabuchs. So since we only got 3Days/2Nights to spent, we had chosen to dine on the top two restaurants; as lunch is free for the Honda Bay and Underground River Tour. And sadly, our contact person for our Puerto Princesa tours, whom we requested to make the reservation for us, forgot to make the reservation at Ka Lui, so we ended up going to Badjao Seafront Restaurant as recommended by Joy, the very accommodating staff, at Tres Pension House.

Location & Setting
The restaurant is quite far from where we stayed, roughly around 20mins of tricycle ride, and it’s not along the main road. Thanks to Joy again who took the liberty to find us a tricyle. Rental rate was Php300 since it was night time and he waited for us.

Badjao Seafront is also known as seafood restaurant by the bay but we weren’t able to appreciate the view since it was night time, but I can feel its classy atmosphere from the moment we were at the entrance.

Short trail to the restaurant
It’s somewhat creepy walking in this few meters trail going to the resto as the surrounding was very dark but sights of mangroves can be seen. Nevertheless we enjoyed the photo op, the illusion it creates is photo perfect!

The “Unpleasant Experience”
We have arrived around7:30PM and the place was full house. I wasn’t expecting it since we were told that the place is not usually crowded and that reservation is not necessary. But hey, we didn’t feel bad because the place is full; it only means that there’s something great in here because it’s full-packed! But what we were dismayed of was the way they had welcomed their customer or their customer service in general.
Badjao Seafront Restaurant
Upon entering the restaurant, we were lost as to what to do. There were some crowd standing at the entrance but there were vacant tables too. We decided to approach one of the waiters and he asked us if we had reservation. We replied no and we didn’t get any advice nor answer from him. He just simply walked away leaving us puzzled.  We then asked another waiter and he just replied that we need to wait, but no priority number or something. We just stood there at the entrance along with other groups. I was about to walk away as nobody from the restaurant seems to pay attention to the long queue but my friends said we’ll just wait and be patient cause we were there anyway.

After 30mins or so, we were finally seated. Just as we were excited to order, another waiter placed some table mats and utensils on the table in an unlikely manner. It seems that he was angry or something. We were very disappointed but we just played it cool and make fun of it as not to ruin our night further. *sigh*

The “Pleasant Experience”
So much for the disappointing part and now on the pleasant ones! And of course, what could be more satisfying than a delicious and reasonably-priced food? The restaurant offers a wide range of Filipino dishes and obviously seafood is their specialty. Here’s a glimpse on their seafood menu.

Seafood Menu
 Since we were a group of four, we selected a variant from ‘Comida’ group meal which is good for 4 persons. The group meal has actually 4 options; all seafood viands, a combination of chicken and sea food, an all meat viands and a pork and seafood combination. We opted for an all seafood viands and it was a winner! It tastes good and was enough to satisfy our hungry tummies except the rice. The serving seems not enough for four persons but the viands were more than enough.

Soup of the day
Ensaladang Talong
Crab with Coco Milk
Sizzling Squid
Grilled Fish
 With all these sumptuous dishes, we only got to pay Php950 plus a 10% service charge. Not bad right?

The Verdict
It was an unpleasant and pleasant experience to remember. It was a very satisfying evening for our tummies; the food was delicious, fresh and reasonably priced. Too bad we had experienced that unfriendly service. I hope the management of Badjao Seafront Restaurant would take time to orient their waiters on proper customer service. I’m not saying that we require a grand welcome; we just need approachable and friendly waiters.

To avoid that same experience, it’s best to make reservations. I think it would also be nice to visit the restaurant on a day time or just in time for sunset to appreciate the view.

Badjao Seafront Restaurant
Abueg Road, Puerto Princesa City, Philippines
(048) 433-9912


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