November 26, 2011

Our Cheap Boracay Travel

Want to have a 3Days/2Nights Boracay getaway for less than Php5, 000? Yes, it’s very possible! We had just visited the world’s renowned Boracay Island last July and yes, we only spent less than Php5, 000. Isn’t it amazing? So read on and see how we managed to have our cheap Boracay vacation.

The most expensive part may be. But not for us since we only spent less than Php1, 000 for a roundtrip ticket via Cebu Pacific. And this we owe to their seat sale promos – thanks Cebu Pac!

There’s no way you can have this very cheap air tickets than avail during their seat sale. So it’s wise to check and keep track with their website ( as often as possible. Promo tickets are usually available via online purchase only and selling period are several months before the possible travel dates. But who cares? It’s a very big saving plus you can have the time to save for your travel budget such as accommodation, food, travel tax, etc.

As for us, we had this booked early as February, 5 months prior to our scheduled travel. See below for our specific air fare costs:

Cebu-Caticlan – Php25.00
Ilo-Ilo-Cebu - Php500.00

Boracay Island offers a lot of accommodation options to choose from. From the most simple such as room and fan only to the most luxurious one, beach front or not. High-end resorts are situated on Station 1 while low-cost resorts are on Station 2 and 3.

As we are very budget conscious travelers, we obviously had our accommodation at Station 2, in La Carmela resort. The place is ideal as its location is somewhat in the center. Its beach front, close to D’talipapa, food stations, bar, and atm.

Standard room is Php2, 100 but it had 2 double queen beds so it’s a perfect fit for us since we were a group of 4. The room is quite big and also includes the standard hotel amenities such as cable TV, ref, hot & cold shower. Buffet breakfast was also included for two.

For those who want to have a little spurge, the hotel also offers Deluxe and Suite room accommodations. They also have barkada and family Boracay packages for those who prefer a worry-free travel. Accommodation and food are included in the packages.

La Carmela de Boracay Resort

A considerable portion of our travel expenses would typically be spent on food as we need to eat to have that energy to explore the beautiful beaches of Boracay.

Good thing there are several food stations available on the island. Of course there are fancy restaurants, those who cater international cuisines; Pizza Hut and Yellow Cab for pizza lovers and lots of eat-all-you restos. Fresh sea foods are also available like at the D’talipapa where you can buy and have them cooked by your preference. But for those who are on a budget, don’t fret as affordable food stalls are everywhere. Andoks, Shawarma Rice, Burger Stalls are available in the island.

So basically, food budget will just depend on your food preferences. Others will even just eat a once a day full meal, but on an eat-all-you-can resto. This way they can save a lot and just take advantage of the eat-all-you can. *wink*

Fare, Terminal Fee, Environmental Fee, etc
There are a number of options getting to Boracay Island, may it be via airplane, ship or bus. Below are the necessary expenses you need to consider:

Note: We had taken the plane from Cebu to Caticlan and Ilo-Ilo to Cebu.

Getting to Boracay:
•    Cebu Airport Terminal Fee – Php200.00
•    Tricycle from Caticlan Airport to Caticlan Jetty Port Terminal – Php8.00 per person
(Tip: Avoid riding among the parked tricycle within the airport area as they charge Php100 per person; instead walk a few more steps towards a crossing and hale a tricycle and ask the driver to bring you to the Jetty port. It would only cost you Php8.00 per person.
•    Port Terminal Fee – Php50.00
•    Environmental Fee – Php75.00
•    Boat Fare – Php25.00
•    Tricycle from Pier to Resort – Php100.00 per tricycle

Getting to Ilo-Ilo:
•    Tricycle from Resort to Jetty Port – Php100.00 per tricycle
•    Boat Fare – Php25.00
•    Van from Caticlan to Kalibo – Php100.00 per person. Travel time is approximately 1hr. There are actually direct vans/busses from Caticlan to Ilo-Ilo but since we had to stop over at Aklan to visit some friends, we had chosen this route.
•    Ceres Aircon Bus from Kalibo to Ilo-Ilo – Php352.00 per person.
•    Jeepney Fare from Ilo-Ilo Bus Terminal to SM – Php10.00 per person. Van transfers to Ilo-ilo airport are available here for Php70.00 per person.
(Side Note: If you have time you can try to get your feet tickled at Tibiao Fish Spa just located at the lower ground floor, SM Ilo-ilo. I tell you it would be a joyful treat to yourself).
•    Taxi from SM Ilo-Ilo to Airport – Php350.00
•    Ilo-Ilo Airport Terminal Fee – Php200.00

Expenses Summary:
Round trip Air Fare – Php1, 000.00
Accommodation (3Days/2Nights)– Php1, 050.00
Food & Drinks – Php1, 100.00
Terminal Fees, Fares & Misc Expenses – Php1182.50
Pasalubong – Php650.00
Total = Php4985.50

Yes, cheap Boracay travel is very possible. We had enjoyed Boracay Island without spending too much. Basically, it would depend on your preferred getaway, like if you just want to chill and relax or be adventurous and wild. Of course there are a lot of activities you can do in Boracay and that require additional expenses too. But if you just want to experience the sun, the sand and just relax, then this Boracay travel guide would do. :)

August 09, 2011

Tibiao Fish Spa: A Tickling Feet Experience

Lots of giggles and laughs at first; soothed and refreshed feet at the end - these and more were our experiences when we visited and tried our first fish spa experience at Tibiao Fish Spa at SM City, Iloilo.

It was just a day prior to our planned trip to Boracay when my good friend, Divi, finally discovered what we will do on our few hours stay at Iloilo City. There are of course a number of tourist spot but due to time constraint, a fish spa experience was the perfect activity for us. After all, this would be a great treat to our tired feet after the long walks we had at Boracay and the short visit we had at the Mangrove sanctuary at Aklan City.

The Fishy Treat
Yes, we woke up early and budgeted our time so well just to had this unique experience. After a more or less 6hrs of bus travel, refreshing and tickling feet treat sounds amazing.

We directly proceed to Tibiao Fish Spa when we arrived at SM Iloilo. The friendly staffs welcomed us and showed us the spa’s provisions as it’s our first time. People with open wounds, acute diabetes and severe skin diseases are not allowed to use the spa for sanitary and health reasons.
There are three spa therapy options to choose from:
  1. Classic Fish Spa - 30mins (Php120)
  2. VIP Fish Spa – 45mins (Php250) - With comfortable fish spa seats. Warm water foot bath is also included.
  3. Full-body Fish Spa – 1hr (Php1,300) - Package is good for 1-3 persons and includes shower. This requires advance booking. 
Our Tickling Experience
We had opted for the Classic Fish Spa service. The staff then guided us to leave our slippers/shoes near the counter and wash our feet. There are two tanks to choose from, the standard or the beginner's tank and the extreme tank. The standard tank contains the smaller fish and the extreme, obviously contains the bigger ones.

Beginner's Tank
Extreme Tank
As we want to make the most of our first fish spa experience, we immediately tried the extreme tank. And true enough, we just made a lot of giggles and laughs for the first few minutes or so. It was really fun. I just couldn’t help it. I had tried lifting my feet off the water several times. See evidence below :p

But after a while, we got used to the tickling feeling as the fishes nibbles our dead skins and calloused feet. In fact, I was already enjoying the sensation and find it relaxing. It was also an amazing scene to look at those fishes as they nibble my dry skin/callouses.

Other Services
Tibiao Fish Spa also offers reflexology and massage:
  • Foot Reflexology – 20mins of natural healing therapy (Php100)
  • Half Body Massage – 40mins of traditional massage/Swedish or Shiatsu (Php250)
  • Full Body Massage – 1hr of reflexology and traditional massage (Php350)

The Verdict
It was indeed a fun, enjoyable and relaxing feet experience. I was so delighted how my feet felt so smoothed and refreshed after the fish spa experience. It’s a good alternative I guess from the usual foot massage. Aside from the relaxing and soothing feet feeling, having a good laugh was a big plus. I just hope they will expand their business in Cebu soon so that we can have our fish-tickling experience again!

July 30, 2011

Island Hopping Turned Pandanon Island Getaway

Yes, the long planned and much awaited island hopping finally happened last June! There would be three island destinations, Pandanon, Olango and Gilutungan. We had planned it to be our department summer outing since last year but it was not materialized and we decided to finally pursue it this year. Technically it was still not a summer outing since we had it on June, but nevertheless the mighty rays of Mr. Sun during that day feels like summer, thank God!

It was a bright Saturday morning and off we went to the wharf at Punta Engano besides the Hilton hotel. There are several motorized bancas available for hire at the wharf. Good thing there was still an available one for us to rent when we arrived.

Boats for Hire at the wharf
It was only about 9am but we were surprised that tourists already flooded in the area, mostly are Koreans. Due to the boat demand during that time, it had cost us 4,000. What’s even worst was that we were already en route when Manong (the banca’s captain ) told us that our only destination would be Pandanon Island. Huwaaat?! We planned this activity for so long and we will only get to visit one island?*sigh* We were so disappointed but we can’t do anything about it but to enjoy the view and sea breeze instead.

 Beautiful Resort
Pandanon Island view fro afar 
After about 45 minutes of banca ride, we spotted a very beautiful scenery right at the middle of the ocean. It seems like a very small private resort at the center of crystal blue waters. The sight of white sands and blue waters surrounding the white structure from afar was amazing. Then after a few more minutes, we were so delighted that we were actually going on the direction of what we called the ‘beautiful resort’. We never thought that what we are seeing was actually our destination, the Pandanon island! :D

White sands, crystal blue waters, no bars and only a few tourists – a little paradise! I guess I need not describe further as you can tell from the pictures below how beautiful it is.

The island's tranquility is priceless
Picturisque Sandbar
Entrance Fee, Accommodation and Attractions
There’s an entrance fee of Php150.00 per person. The island is not developed as that of Boracay or Panglao Island so the only accommodation available is the Cogon Grass Cottages for Php250.00. Tables, chairs and grills are also available. For our team, we just ate our lunch at the banca so we need not pay the cottage rental *grinning*. It’s also advisable to bring foods, drinks and drinking water as there are no stores at the beach area.

Native Cottages
Concrete Column
Activities, Recreations
As the island is not developed, the best thing to enjoy and fully appreciate it is to swim. With the very inviting water as below, who would resist anyway?

Cool and Swallow Water
Fun, fun fun!
The waters are swallow and cold. Just be careful not to go too far. There are also available kayaks and Jet skis for rent. Some also tried snorkeling but I did not enjoy doing it as there are no live corals near the beach area at least.

The sand area is also wide especially during low tides. You can play volleyball or Frisbee for instance. And don’t forget to take a lot of pictures too, as the place is really beautiful and photogenic! ;)

The not-so-jump shot!
About Pandanon Island
The island is politically part of Northern Bohol. It’s somewhat separated into two major areas, the beach and the residential area. During high tides, the two areas seem to be separated by the water but at low tide, a small sand bar can be seen to connect both areas. It is said that there are about 2,000 residents on the island with Fishing as the major source of living.

The sandbar connecting the resort and the residential area
Getting There
Rent motorized boats at the wharf at Punta Engano (besides Hilton Hotel), Mactan Cebu. The boat (banca) ride is about 1hr to 1.5hrs. Banca weekend price ranges from Php3,500 to Php5,000 which is good for about 15-20 persons. Bargains or discounts are common depending on the season and demand.  Advanced booking are also available and a convenient option especially during summer.

The Verdict
Although the island hopping activity was still not materialized up to the final minute, the scenic Pandanon Island compensates it all. I will definitely recommend this little paradise to all beach enthusiasts out there who would want to have a quiet and simple escape. I just hope that the management will improve the basic amenities of the resort (i.e.shower and comfort rooms).

July 09, 2011

Calea's Cakes

Yes, I'm a big fan of Calea! This local cake shop is well known for its premium and quality cakes . Too bad they don't have any branches outside Bacolod City. 

Their cakes taste really good and are also affordable. You can grab a slice from Php70 to Php90 depending on kind. 

Last time I visited we ordered the Triple Chocolate Mouse, Fruity Cheesecake and Ice Cream Chocolate Cake. 

What's more interesting is that they are offering variety of kinds, all in great taste and quality.  Their Chocolate Cake and Fruity Cheesecake are my favorites!

Huge Cake Selection

My favorite, Chocolate Cake!

Calea - Main Branch
Lourdes - C Bldg. Lacson St.
Bacolod City
(034) 433-8664, (034) 433-3143

Calea - Robinsons
Robinsons Place Bacolod
1st Level, Robinsons Place Bacolod
Lacson St., Madalagan Bacolod City
(034) 441-3835

Calea - East Block
East Block
Circumferential Road, East Block
Bacolod City
(034) 434-0288

June 29, 2011

Danao Coco Palms Resort

I was supposed to have a super hectic schedule for May’s weekends but to my dismay, almost none of it was materialized *sigh*.  I’m longing to have at least a relaxing escape, a beach or anything just before the summer ends. So, we decided to have at least a mini summer escapade. We’re thinking of Danao’s Coco Palms resort.  I had read good reviews about this resort and it’s just an hour drive from Cebu city so might as well visit it.

‘New’ Resort
Coco Palms Resort just operated a year ago so it’s somehow new.  The landscaped grasses and white sands give the resort a fresh and appealing look. It offers a beautiful view of the sea, affordable accommodations, lots of recreational activities and friendly staffs.

The resort’s area is quiet big. It’s a perfect place for team buildings, wedding, receptions, birthdays, family gatherings and other functions.

Swimming Pool
The swimming pool is medium size, not that big as it looks in the picture. Its deep ranges from 2ft to 5ft. The pool’s main attraction is the slide. It’s short and it will not really give you a smooth slide all throughout but I guess it’s an added attraction and gives a lot of fun especially among children. They are also lenient about swimming attire so no worries if you are hesitant on wearing swimsuits.

Danao’s Coco Palms resort offers a lot of recreational activities among their guests, adult and children alike. The main attraction of course is their waterpark. It’s a unique attraction and climbing on those inflatables provides a lot of excitement and fun. The waterpark is available during high tides as these require high level of water. Other water activities offered includes Snorkeling, Kayak and Jetski. Below are the entrances/rates for each activity.
  • Waterpark – Entrance fee is  Php100
  • Life Jacket – Php50/day
  • Jetski(2 seater) – Php2,000/30mins
  • Kayak – Php100/30mins
  • Snorkel/Flipper Set – Php200/4hours
The Waterpark
Life Jacket @ Php50/day ;)
Kayak @ Php100/30mins
The resort also offers the following recreational equipment among its guests. You can borrow them and only need to deposit an ID in assurance that you will return the equipments.

Board Games
  • Chess
  • Monopoly
  • Pictionary
  • Scrabble
  • Cluedo
  • Boggle
  • Checker
Balls available for different ball games
  • Basketball
  • Volleyball
  • Soccer
  • American Football
Playing area for children are also available like the Play house and Sand Play.

The Play House
Sand Play
Accommodation and Rates
Danao Coco Palms only offers one type of room, which are deluxe type. Overnight and Day-use accommodation is available. Amenities and Rates are as follows:

Deluxe Rooms (Day Use) - Php 900.00
Check in: 8AM
Check out: 3PM

Deluxe Rooms (Overnight Use) - Php1,980.00
* Inclusive of breakfast for two (2)

Extra bed / personPhp500.00

Guest Room Amenities:
* Air-conditioned Rooms
* 24Hr Front Desk Service
* Hot & Cold Shower
* Free Wi-fi Internet Connection
* Mini Bar
* Room Service
* Cable T.V.

Restaurant and Cottages
I think one of the downside of the resort is the corkage fee it charges for bringing foods and drinks bought outside. I’m speaking in the guest’s perspective of course as we can save if we can bring foods. However, junk foods and drinks less than a case are free of charge. Here are the resort’s corkage fees:

Food = Php50/adult
Drinks = Php150/case
Beer = Php350/case

In fairness to the resort, their food and drinks prices are not that expensive compared to other resorts. They also offer a wide variety of menus, including snacks and desserts.  I’ve took a picture on one of their menu list.
Menu List
The resort offers cottages for Php500/day. They also have tables and chairs for Php300/day.

The Verdict

All in all, we had a pleasant mini summer escapade in the resort. Mr. Sun’s ray seems tolerable when it’s accompanied by the relaxing sea breeze. The feeling is just comforting and so relaxing.

The resort is a good venue for those who want to have a little escape and does not have the luxury of time for long travels.  The resort amenities are basically new and well maintained except their rest rooms and shower rooms (I’m referring to the common rest room). It seems that it’s still under construction and there’s even little water supply.  I just hope the management will make the necessary improvements. But other than that, the place is beautiful and the staffs are great too.

Danao Coco Palms is located at Km 31, North Road, Sabang, Danao City (2kms north of Mitsumi Corporation and 300 meters north of CTU). For more information, please contact 032-512-2132 or 0-922-801-1777.

June 01, 2011

Ogtong Cave Resort in Sta. Fe Bantayan

Bantayan Island is famous for its white-sand and crystal clear beaches. There are several resorts offering amazing view of the island’s long stretch shoreline and splendid view of the beach. However, we had chosen to stay at Ogtong Cave resort during our Bantayan escapade. Basically, our decision were based on the reviews and the fact that I’m not into beaches (prior to this trip ) as I’ve mentioned in my previous entries.

Located at Sta. Fe Bantayan,  Ogtong Cave Resort is situated on a large natural rock. It’s one of the Class A rated resort in the island. Its main attraction includes cave, beautiful landscaped garden, clean facilities and fresh sea foods dishes. Their swimming pool also uses fresh water from the cave so it’s a big plus for me at least.

Beautiful Resort
My first impression of the resort is it’s beautiful. I can tell from the moment I saw the fountain near the entrance and when we were in their reception area. It is well maintained and clean.

Cottages and rooms are set in beautifully landscaped gardens. Grassy lawns and concrete walkways serve as pathways to the swimming pool and the beach.
Garden Villa
Non-Aircon Room
The view of the white sand beach and crystal clear water through the rocky cliff is great.  Plus the well-maintained landscaped garden perfectly provides a scenic view and relaxing atmosphere – it’s a perfect ambiance!
The Rocky Cliff
The Beach
The resort does not have a shoreline but it has a powdery white sand and crystal clear water. Its serenity is just perfect for those who want to relax and feel the calmness of the water and sea breeze.  No loud bars, jet skis and only few tourists – just the beach and its calmness.

The Beach during low tide

The view during sunset is also spectacular. It’s also ideal to have a walk along the shoreline to have a feel of its powdery white sand but not a good time to swim since its low tide.

The Cave and the Pool
As evident on its name, Ogtong Cave Resort, I am expecting for a big and exciting spelunking experience on the cave. But I was surprised and upset that it’s so small, more likely a pit. You have to go down a few steps on the stairs to have a feel of cool and fresh water.  What makes me more saddened was the fact that I was not able to swim on it as it was not allowed during our visit as advised by DENR.

The Cave
Disappointed by the cave, we just headed to the pool to have at least a swim unto the fresh water. The resort has a medium size pool. You need to have on your proper swimming attire though since they are a little strict on it.
The Pool
The resort offers variety of accommodation, from fan cooled to air conditioned rooms.  We had the Sea View room. It is concrete and well designed.  Overall we are satisfied with its amenities and cleanliness. It has the usual private toilet and bath with hot and cold shower, Cable TV, refrigerator with variety of drinks. And what I like most is the balcony overlooking the beach. The view is beautiful especially the early morning sunrise.
Sea View Villas

Below are the varieties of rooms they are offering:
  • Non-Aircon Rooms - Php1, 600
  • Garden Villa – Php 3,200
  • Row House – Php 3,200
  • Seaview Villa – Php 3,500
  • Family Room – Php 4,300
  • Deluxe Room – Php 4,300
  • Duplex Room – Php 5,200
  • White House – Php 7,000
  • Deluxe Suite with Jacuzzi – Php 16,000
The resort has also a full service open air restaurant. They are offering variety of cuisines like Chinese, Thai and Native dishes. Fresh sea food dishes are also their specialty. I love their sizzling tangigue in particular. You can also have a wifi access in their restaurant.

Though we were frustrated by the cave, we were pleased generally with the resort’s amenities and services. Its cleanliness and well-maintained facilities is a major plus. The free service going/from the resort to the pier is also an added bonus.  You just need to inform them of your scheduled trip and they will arrange a free service. Their staffs are also friendly and accommodating.

So, that was our relaxing getaway at Ogtong Cave resort. It has indeed soothed and re energized us, just the way we planned it.

March 30, 2011

A Splendid Weekend at Imperial Palace Resort Cebu

Imperial Palace Waterpark Cebu is the latest addition among the famous high-class hotels in Cebu. This 5-star hotel is located in Maribago, Lapu-Lapu City where the well-known white sand beaches in Cebu are situated. It was a great treat from friends that I was able to experience a royal weekend for free at this luxurious place! Elegant furnished room for comfort and relaxation, cool and exciting rides for adventure and lots of entertainment for a fun fun weekend!

The one and only waterpark in Cebu, Imperial Palace offers a new level of relaxation, fun and adventure to their guests. The resort boasts its world class waterpark with several themed pools.
  • Amazon River Pool - a flowing river pool, somewhat like a lazy river pool where you can ride on an inflatable tube and relax as you flow along the water current.
  • Wave Rider - if you wanna have fun with tides then this one is for you! 
  • Beach Pool - a pool with a beach-like shoreline
  • Captain Hook's Pool - of course, there’s a pirate ship for the captain and slides for an added fun.
  • Toddler Pool - well the name speaks it all; it's for the little ones!
  • Island Pool - the biggest and the main pool of the resort. It has a tempting blue waters and it's ideal for those who love the sun and the water alike. This pool is also perfect for a night swimming as the waters are comfortably heated. Another cool feature of this pool is the floating bar. Just right if you want to have a drink or snacks and don’t want to get out of the water. 
Beach Pool
Captain Hook's Pool

Toddler Pool
Floating bar at the Island Pool
Several lounge beds with huge umbrellas are also available to lay at around the pool. Cabanas are also available for rent around the Island pool area. Their cabanas are so chic and luxurious. I sooo love it! Inside the cabana are comfortable sofa, large LCD TV with DVD, and a stacked fridge. It also comes with practical amenities such as hidden cabinets, beach towels and vault.

For those who prefer the beach than the pool, Imperial Palace Cebu also has a beautiful beach with white sand and crystal clear water. Though it’s quite small, I like the way they have designed it to provide a sense of privacy, it’s as if the area was carved for their guests. They also offer several beach activities such as Zet Ski, Banana Boat and Flying Fish rides. Cabanas are also situated on the beach area if you want to relax and feel the sea breeze. Each is well equipped with comfortable sofa and entertainment system as well.

Cabanas at the beach area
Another unique and exciting attraction of Imperial Palace Cebu is their water slides. There are three slides which I will classify according to the level of thrill it may cause (level 1 is the least thrilling). This is based on my personal assessment only.
  • Level 1: The most basic among the three - the typical open water slide (white). It’s short and fun.
  • Level 2: The Tube slide (green) – what makes this more exciting is that you’re inside the tube. It’s dark and you can’t see where you will be heading. The slide is higher and more intense.
  • Level 3: The Space Bowl (red & white) - The most exciting and thrilling of all! The slide is high and fast.  You’ll be suddenly dropped to a big circular dome and you’ll glide round and round until you reach the small hole in the bottom and finally plunge into a 6ft deep pool. There’s an attendant waiting and ready at the pool to assist you from drowning. 
Water slides
To ensure the safety of their guests, the water slides have some restrictions. A weight limit of 70 or 80 kgs I think (sorry, I’m not sure ;) ) and children below 8 years old are not allowed to slide. Parental consent is also required if you're a minor.  Life guards and resort’s staff are everywhere around the waterpark to assists whatever needs the guests may have and of course to ensure the safety as well.

Imperial Palace Cebu also offers a lot of entertainment and fun activities for their guests. The Amigos (they are the friendly & accommodating staff of the resort) provides a lot of entertaining activities. They have prepared dance exercises around the pool area and the guests are very welcome to join. Some games are also presented for the guests. And of course there are corresponding prizes for the winners and even for the losers as well.

It’s also fortunate for us to experience the Earth Hour at the resort. It’s nice to know that they had participated in the worldwide activity but the guests had the option to participate or not. The resort had prepared an activity on the Island Pool area for their guests to enjoy while they are observing the earth hour. Their staffs were even wearing an Earth hour designed shirt. The Amigos had performed fire dances and they had some games also. My favorite part was the lighting of water lanterns along the island pool. The sight was beautiful and so relaxing.

Water lanterns during Earth Hour
As my luck was not yet enough to just enjoy the waterpark for free, I also got to experience the resort’s suite room accommodation. The room is so huge and homey with a touch of Filipino design. It offers the comfort and relaxation all suite rooms should have and it has also a small veranda. It’s fully automated with entertainment facilities. All amenities are from Samsung as this is a Korean invested resort. By the way, did I mention that Koreans are everywhere in the resort? It’s there haven. The resort is so Korean friendly. The only not so negative thing that I can comment in this resort is the smell on their hallway. Its smells like something old and lonely. I’m not sure either if all their hallways smell likes this as I have only passed on the hallway on the 10th floor. But other than that, everything is great.

So that was my splendid weekend at the Imperial Palace Cebu. The resort truly offers a new level of relaxation among the Cebuanos and of course the tourists, Filipinos and Foreigners alike, with its world class facilities and service. The staffs are very accommodating and friendly. They are everywhere around the resort. It’s perfect for family and barkada getaway. If you want to indulge yourself a little, then Imperial Palace Cebu is the ideal place to visit.

Getting There:
Imperial Palace Cebu is a 15-minute ride from Mactan International Airport and a 30-40 minute ride from Cebu City. You can either take the taxi or take a PUJ as the resort is just along the road. If you're from Cebu City, you can take a van from SM going to Savemore then ride a PUJ bound to Soong-Maribago. The resort is just along the rode, you'll never miss it.

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