July 30, 2011

Island Hopping Turned Pandanon Island Getaway

Yes, the long planned and much awaited island hopping finally happened last June! There would be three island destinations, Pandanon, Olango and Gilutungan. We had planned it to be our department summer outing since last year but it was not materialized and we decided to finally pursue it this year. Technically it was still not a summer outing since we had it on June, but nevertheless the mighty rays of Mr. Sun during that day feels like summer, thank God!

It was a bright Saturday morning and off we went to the wharf at Punta Engano besides the Hilton hotel. There are several motorized bancas available for hire at the wharf. Good thing there was still an available one for us to rent when we arrived.

Boats for Hire at the wharf
It was only about 9am but we were surprised that tourists already flooded in the area, mostly are Koreans. Due to the boat demand during that time, it had cost us 4,000. What’s even worst was that we were already en route when Manong (the banca’s captain ) told us that our only destination would be Pandanon Island. Huwaaat?! We planned this activity for so long and we will only get to visit one island?*sigh* We were so disappointed but we can’t do anything about it but to enjoy the view and sea breeze instead.

 Beautiful Resort
Pandanon Island view fro afar 
After about 45 minutes of banca ride, we spotted a very beautiful scenery right at the middle of the ocean. It seems like a very small private resort at the center of crystal blue waters. The sight of white sands and blue waters surrounding the white structure from afar was amazing. Then after a few more minutes, we were so delighted that we were actually going on the direction of what we called the ‘beautiful resort’. We never thought that what we are seeing was actually our destination, the Pandanon island! :D

White sands, crystal blue waters, no bars and only a few tourists – a little paradise! I guess I need not describe further as you can tell from the pictures below how beautiful it is.

The island's tranquility is priceless
Picturisque Sandbar
Entrance Fee, Accommodation and Attractions
There’s an entrance fee of Php150.00 per person. The island is not developed as that of Boracay or Panglao Island so the only accommodation available is the Cogon Grass Cottages for Php250.00. Tables, chairs and grills are also available. For our team, we just ate our lunch at the banca so we need not pay the cottage rental *grinning*. It’s also advisable to bring foods, drinks and drinking water as there are no stores at the beach area.

Native Cottages
Concrete Column
Activities, Recreations
As the island is not developed, the best thing to enjoy and fully appreciate it is to swim. With the very inviting water as below, who would resist anyway?

Cool and Swallow Water
Fun, fun fun!
The waters are swallow and cold. Just be careful not to go too far. There are also available kayaks and Jet skis for rent. Some also tried snorkeling but I did not enjoy doing it as there are no live corals near the beach area at least.

The sand area is also wide especially during low tides. You can play volleyball or Frisbee for instance. And don’t forget to take a lot of pictures too, as the place is really beautiful and photogenic! ;)

The not-so-jump shot!
About Pandanon Island
The island is politically part of Northern Bohol. It’s somewhat separated into two major areas, the beach and the residential area. During high tides, the two areas seem to be separated by the water but at low tide, a small sand bar can be seen to connect both areas. It is said that there are about 2,000 residents on the island with Fishing as the major source of living.

The sandbar connecting the resort and the residential area
Getting There
Rent motorized boats at the wharf at Punta Engano (besides Hilton Hotel), Mactan Cebu. The boat (banca) ride is about 1hr to 1.5hrs. Banca weekend price ranges from Php3,500 to Php5,000 which is good for about 15-20 persons. Bargains or discounts are common depending on the season and demand.  Advanced booking are also available and a convenient option especially during summer.

The Verdict
Although the island hopping activity was still not materialized up to the final minute, the scenic Pandanon Island compensates it all. I will definitely recommend this little paradise to all beach enthusiasts out there who would want to have a quiet and simple escape. I just hope that the management will improve the basic amenities of the resort (i.e.shower and comfort rooms).


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