March 09, 2011

Warming Up for a Wonderful Ride!

They say life is a journey.  But I'm thinking, how can I enjoy this journey if I'm always seeing the negative side of things? I'm most of the time a pessimist. Be it in whatever aspect, I will always think of the worst. Even if I'm having a good time, out of the blue, I would be disrupted by some negative thoughts..what if something bad may happen? Tsk Tsk...then my mood would change. Pathetic right? Yeah, that's why I'm doing my very best from now on to get rid of this negative thinking and to think of happy thoughts instead.

As a start, I'm doing this blog to remind me of life's simple pleasures I'd experienced. Beautiful places, great food and lots of interesting stuffs that I enjoyed, at least. These are spices of life that would make the journey interesting and flavorful and would let me enjoy and shout til the end - WOW! What a ride!

Below are a glimpse of my own spices. Enjoy! ;)

Bacolod's Pride Foodies


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