March 08, 2012

Cebu International Golf and Resort

Cebu International Golf and Resort is where we had our last team building for 2011. The place is not that well known compared to other resorts and to the locals as its main attraction is the golf course and as we know, golf is only a famous among the upper class. And thanks to this team building activity, we had the chance to visit the place and experience something new.

The Resort & Golf Course
The place is really huge, as I’ve read that it’s about 8 hectares; the golf course is very well maintained with lots of greens and beautifully manicured grasses.

We were so amazed with the area and the view that we even rented their golf cart and strolled around the course.

For the resort, as the place is elevated, it offers a beautiful view of the sea.

It has also access to the beach area. But don’t’ expect much and that it’s comparable with the known beaches here in Cebu. It’s white but the shoreline is very small and there are grasses under the water.  You also need to walk through the long stairways before you can reach the beach. But nevertheless, the sight of rock formation and the relaxing ocean breeze justify the long stairways.

It has two medium sized swimming pools. Pool rate is Php100 for kids and Php200 for adults.

Accommodation & Food

Cebu International Golf and Resort offers room accommodation and villas for those who want to stay for a night or for a period of time. We had occupied their “King Suite Room” and it had basically provided us with an ample space. It has one room, a king and queen bed with two bathrooms, a living and kitchen area. Extra beds were also provided upon request. The only downside is there comfort/bath rooms. It’s somewhat outdated and not well maintained.

As for the food, they had a restaurant and you can also bring some food and request them to cook it for you but with a service charge of course. Grilling areas are also available.

The Verdict

All in all we had a great stay. We had tried something different and enjoyed it as well. The place is an ideal venue for team building as the area is huge and not crowded and of course for those who want to play golf away from the hustle and bustle in the city. The Filipino staffs were also accommodating and did I mention that this place is managed by Koreans and Japanese? Oh well, it is! :)

Cebu International Gold & Resort
is located at Barangay Lambug, Badian, Cebu. You can contact them through tel no. (63) (032) 345-3339


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