April 30, 2012

Camp John Hay in Baguio City

A major destination in Baguio City, Camp John Hay boasts lots of facilities among the tourists and its guests. It has hotels, private vacation houses, shopping center with restaurants and stores and convention centers. Recreational activities and attractions such as horseback riding, zip line, rappel, paint ball, butterfly garden, picnic areas/cottages and Art Park are also available.

Activities in Camp John Hay
It’s also where I felt that I was really “in Baguio” moment with all the pine trees around, beautiful landscapes, the cool climate and very peaceful ambiance. And because the place is really huge, about 690-hectare according to its website, we only explored some of its areas due to limited time.

Pine Tress Everywhere
The Camp John Hay Historical Core
Though the whole place is now leased by a private developer, it’s comforting to know that the Philippine government still retained a fraction of the property and maintains the Historical Core with the Bell House, Library and Museum, Bell Amphitheatre and the Cemetery of Negativitism. Entrance rate is Php50 per person.

The Bell House & Bell Amphitheatre
Bell House Entrance
This was named after Major General Franklin Bell, who was the commander of the Philippine department during that time. He himself designed the Italian Garden as well as the Bell House and Amphitheater.

Bell Amphitheatre

Cemetery of Negativitism
Yeah, I’ve been hit by this! Another reminder for a pessimist like me, that negativitism is no good at all and it only limits us from reaching the best that we can be.

Cemetery of Negativism

The Verdict
Camp John Hay is surely one of the best places to visit when in Baguio City. Though the place has lots of development now, I’m still thankful that the Historical Core is still preserved for us to appreciate not just the Baguio’s historic moments, but as a whole country in general. Plus, it has the cleanest and pleasant view of Pine trees with all its amenities and recreational activities available, it’s surely a “one stop shop” destination in Baguio City!

April 22, 2012

DIY Baguio Tour: Fun & Exciting Way to Discover the City

It started as a joke that we’ll visit the famous places in the Philippines alphabetically and we’ll start with the Bs. Funny how it was all materialized (Bacolod, Bohol, Boracay) and we are down to our last “B” destination – Baguio City! And guess what, we did our version of DIY Baguio tour.

Still thrilled from the magical experience we had from the Manila Ocean Park Musical Fountain show, we immediately proceeded to Victory Liner terminal in Pasay City wherein we’ll catch the bus going to Baguio. Due to limited time, we decided to travel by night to save time plus accommodation too! *grin*

We arrived in the terminal around 9PM and had just enough time to ate our dinner and catch the bus scheduled at 10PM. Fare is Php455 per person from Pasay to Baguio and travel time is about 6-7 hrs with one stop over. The good thing was we weren’t bothered of the long travel time since it was late at night, no traffic and we slept most of the time. Few minutes before 5AM, we woke up since we could already feel the zigzag sway of the bus, an indication that we’re almost in the City of Pines.

Scouting for a fast food chain to have our breakfast
It was early morning and freezing cold when we arrived. We would have wanted to proceed immediately to La Chateau, who had provided our affordable transient accommodation, but we had chosen to explore the area around the session road this early morning and had some breakfast first then proceed to La Chateau to leave our things and freshen up. And thanks to Ate Sonny for helping us out with our itinerary for our DIY Baguio tour.

And so, at around 8:30Am we were ready to discover Baguio! By the way, we mostly used taxicabs as our mode of transportation since we were a group of 5 and most of the taxis are of Tamaraw Fx type plus flag down rate is only Php25. I tell you, we paid less than a Php100 on almost all instances.

Tam-awan Village

First stop was the Tam-awan Village. A glimpse on what a typical native village looks like with genuine Ifugao huts. It’s also an artist’s haven since lots of paintings and work of art can be found here. There’s also a cafĂ© if you want to sit and relax a bit. Entrance is Php50 for adults, Php30 for students and senior citizens and Php20 for kids. Taxi fare from La Chateau to Tam-awan Village was Php60

Arko ni Apo is also located just across the street with a gallery of metal and wood works on display.

Lourdes Grotto

Quite a long walk uphill, approximately more than 200 steps. We spent some quite moments here while we said our prayers and lighted some candles. We also had some photos with the natives at Php10 each.

After some uphill climb, we were delighted to see a taho vendor! And obviously, we tried the famous strawberry taho for Php15. Taxi fare from Tam-awan Village to Lourdes Grotto was Php65.
It was lunch time already and we went to SM Baguio to eat our lunch and since it was the closest landmark to our next destinations. Taxi fare from Lourdes Grotto to SM Baguio was Php60.

Botanical Garden
The garden’s area is quite huge but there are only few blooming flowers though.  We strolled around the area and had some photo op obviously. J There was also a horse in the area wherein you can pose and took some photo but with a fee of course. A lot of native Igurots are also on standby in the entrance area and will surely allure you to take pictures with them for a fee of Php10 each.

Wright Park
Next stop was the Wright Park and it’s around 10minute walk from the Botanical Garden. A lot of horses can be found in this area, even a pink one (dyed of course..heheheh), which can be rented for a short ride.

The Mansion
Just a few climb and walk and we took some photo shoot of The Mansion, the official Presidential residence in Baguio City.

Mines View Park
From The Mansion we hailed a taxicab to the Mines View. Fare was Php65. A lot of photo ops in this area with some horses, the St Bernard dog, the costumed natives and of course the signature Baguio view. We also bought some pasalubong in this area.

The Good Shepherd
In after of the famous ube jam, we walked a few meters to The Good Shepherd from the Mines View. But sadly, ube jam was not available during that time due to no supply of the raw products. L
Since it was already around 6PM, our next stop was SM City for dinner and we bought some groceries for breakfast and lunch the next day. Taxi Fare from Good Shepherd to SM was Php75.
Tired as we were and due to the not so fine weather since it was raining that the night, we opted to sleep early and get some good rest for the next’s day strolling.

It was the 2nd day of our DIY Baguio tour and we woke up early and were very excited and hopeful that we could finish the entire planned destination before the sun sets since we need to go back to Manila for our Cebu flight was scheduled early morning.

We started our tour at around 8:15AM and we arrived at the PMA few minutes before 9AM. We strolled around the area and had some glimpse of the old canyons and helicopters. It’s also another photo op session and with the very accommodating cadets, too!

Camp John Hay
From PMA we proceeded to Camp John Hay. The area is very large and there are a number of activities can be done here. There are horse back riding, paintball, zipline, rappelling and a lot more. Since we were not in the mood for some physical activity, we just visited the Bell House & Museum, Amphitheatre and the Cemetery of Negativism.

It was around 11AM and we went back to our hotel to get our bags and have our lunch. And we were glad that we had still enough time to visit some more tourist attractions before leaving.

Burnham Park
It’s one of the most famous parks in Baguio that we just need to visit. Plus it’s just a few minute ride from our hotel and is within the City center. The park was under renovation during our visit but still some recreational activities can still be done like boating and biking. Loaded with our bags already, we just decided to take some stroll and photos.

We were also able to buy some more pasalubong in some tiangge near the park and I was very glad to buy a bottle of the sought after Ube jam from the Good Shepherd and some strawberry jams too.

Baguio Cathedral
Of course, we made sure that before leaving the place, we paid visit to St. Joseph’s Cathedral.
Still ahead of time but done with our planned itinerary at 2PM, we headed to Victory liner terminal to catch the next bus going back to Manila.

The Verdict
It was my first time to visit Baguio City and it was a trip to remember! Doing the DIY Baguio tour has made the trip extra special as it teaches us some valuable experiences. And I would share that it’s important that you do your homework first before visiting the place; list all the attractions you want to visit and carefully plan if you have limited time. Another thing, don’t be shy to ask the locals, they know the place by heart and are very helpful.

April 21, 2012

La Chateau: Baguio’s Affordable Transient Home

It’s our first time to visit Baguio City and we were glad we had chosen La Chateau for our affordable Baguio transient home accommodation. Though we only got to spent one night there, we have loved the place!

La Chateau
Rates & Accommodation
The place is clean, well-maintained and stylish. We had this ‘Blue themed’ unit during our stay and it’s perfect for us. Actually, it was a bigger as the unit is good for 8 persons and we were just a group of 5. And we only paid Php2,000 for an overnight stay, 400 for each person. Affordable, right?

Dining Area

Living Room
It has a total of 8 units, with 2-3 bedrooms in each and a capacity of 8-12 persons. Accommodation rate starts from Php2,500-Php4,500 per day but its negotiable plus discounted rates are available for larger groups and longer stays. The place is perfect for groups and families though single and double accommodation can be arranged.

Offering better amenities than a usual transient home should have, each unit is ‘Color’ themed, fully furnished with living and dining facilities. Complete basic kitchen amenities is supplied inclusive of gas/LPG. Other amenities include:
  • Complete Beddings
  • Colored Cable TV
  • Hot & Cold Shower
  • 24hrs Surveillance Security
  • Smoke & Fire alarm system
  • Ample Parking Space
The complete kitchen amenities were perfect for us (budget travelers of course J). We cooked for breakfast and lunch - a nice and subtle way to save!

La Chateau is located at #450 Upper Rock Quarry Baguio City. It’s just an 8mins ride from the City center so location is not a problem. Its roof deck also offers a panoramic view of the City and a great area to relax and feel the cool climate of Baguio City.

The Verdict
It’s just a short stay but definitely La Chateau had offered us with a warm and cheap accommodation we need. The good service, (Kuya/Ate Sonny) was very accommodating and he even helped us planned our DIY Baguio tour, extended to us is very much appreciated. I would absolutely recommend this place for those groups or families looking for an affordable Baguio transient home accommodation.

April 15, 2012

The Ruins in Talisay

It’s the picturesque beauty of The Ruins in Talisay who had captured the interest of my good friends to visit my home province. It started when I shared some pictures of the beautiful Ruins to them and immediately after seeing it, they had asked me if they can visit Bacolod. Actually it has also ignited our desire to travel and discover the beautiful places here in the Philippines and I’m so happy and proud that we visited my home province, Negros Occidental, for our first ever out of the province trip! 

Beautiful Ruins

Just before dusk
at night
I’ve visited The Ruins a number of times already and still, I’m in awe of its beauty, every time. The best time to visit the place is around 4:30-6:30PM to witness how the structure looks like during daylight and how it looks more spectacular during sunset and see how its rays give a golden and romantic touch to the mansion.

Bittersweet History

According to the ‘short facts’ about the mansion posted on the structure I had read during one of my visits, the sugar baron Don  Mariano Ledesma Lacson had it built after the death of her wife, Maria Braga. The structure of the mansion is of Italianate architecture with neo-Romanesque columns.

It was during the World War II that the mansion was burnt by the USAFE, then the guerilla fighters, to prevent the Japanese forces from using the place as their headquarters. It’s said that they had poured a mixture of 2 drums of gasoline with 4 drums of used oil unto the wooden floors of the mansion to ignite the floors. The mansion was burning for 3 days which consumed all of the wooden floors, ceiling and roof. But thanks to its high grade concrete mixture and oversized steel bars, the structure has withstood the fire.

More than a Structure

The picturesque structure has a restaurant and café for those who want to chill or have a romantic dinner. There are also some picnic tables in the garden and mini golf course for the kids. The place is also getting popular for wedding events, large functions, and banquets.

Restaurant at night
Minnie Golf Course
 To help maintain the grounds and develop more facilities, entrance fees are as follows:
•    Adults – Php50
•    Students with valid ID & Senior Citizens – Php40
•    Students Group (20 or more) – Php30
•    Child (below 8yrs old) – Php20

Getting There
Whether you’re coming from the Northern (i.e. Silay Airport) or Southern part or Metro Bacolod, there’s a common landmark and that’s the Pepsi Bottling Plant in Barangay Bata.

•    When you’re coming from metro Bacolod (i.e.Lacson, Libertad, etc) - Take a jeepney with the “Bata” route and ask the driver to drop you at “Bangga Pepsi”. There’s a tricycle terminal there with a big signage “The Ruins Terminal”. Price is Php100 per person for a round trip.
•    When you’re coming from Silay or Northern part of Negros, usually all routes pass on the ‘Pepsi’ landmark so ask the driver to drop you off in “Bangga Pepsi” and take the tricycle going to The Ruins as the above option.
•    If you don’t want the above hassle, just take the cab. :)

The Verdict
Undeniably, The Ruins is by far the most picturesque structure I’ve seen here in the Philippines and I’m so proud that it can be found in my home province. Looking at this spectacular structure would make you wonder how it had survived its bad fate. It’s really a sight to behold..a must see when visiting the City of Smiles, Bacolod!

April 07, 2012

Things to do in Boracay

So you’re ready to invade the world’s famous Boracay but do you have already in mind what to do in this beautiful island? Of course you’ll go swimming and enjoy the great resorts but did you know that there are a lot of other things you can do in this beautiful island? So read on and take note of the top things to do in Boracay!

Strolling along the beach in barefoot
1.    Take a barefoot stroll along the beach – Boracay is known for its powdery white sands so there’s no greater way to appreciate it than by a barefoot walk! The feeling of warm fine sand is great and somehow relaxing.  Just make sure it’s in the morning or in the late afternoon or evening though as the sand is too hot during mid day.

Jonah's Milkshake
2.    Grab a refreshing milkshake from Jonah’s. They are located at Station 1 and they are known for the best tasting milkshakes in the island. One of their best sellers is the Banana-Choco-Peanut for Php110.

Henna Tatoo
3.    Get a henna tattoo! Just be sure it’s fully dried before going back to your hotel as this may form stains on bed covers/sheets when wet. The hotels are very strict about this and charge a huge amount for stained bedding due to hennas.

Massage by the beach
4.    Relax a little by getting a massage by the beach for Php350.

Favorite Barbeque & Chorizo Burger
5.    Try this local specialty snack, the Chori Burger or Chorizo Burger!

Lovely Sunset
6.    Watch and be mesmerized with Boracay sunset. Should I need to explain it? I think the above picture shows how lovely is the sunset at this side of town.

Fresh Seafood
7.    Feast on Seafood dishes and buffet restos! The island has a huge range of restaurants offering a wide range of cuisine so whatever your taste maybe, it’s not a problem. Plus a lot of them are offering buffet type so you’ll be even satisfied :)

Cute Ferris wheel
8.    Bring out the child in you and ride on this pretty and cute Ferris wheel at D’Mall.

D'Mall & D'Talipapa
9.    Shop til you drop at D’Mall or D’Talipapa. Whether you’re looking for a swimwear, shorts, shirts, or summer dresses and of course, Boracay souvenirs in all types and forms can be found here. Take note that D’Mall is the mall version of the D’Talipapa so it’s pricey.

Other things to do in Boracay
10.    Okay, you’re the adventurous type and want to experience thrill in Boracay. Worry not as the island has a lot of great activities for you to enjoy. Please take note that rates varies depending on provider.

•    Island hopping - Php1,800 (1-6pax)
•    Banana boat ride, 15 mins - Php250/pax (5pax minimum)
•    Fly fish, 15 mins - Php600/pax (3pax minimum)
•    Parasailing, 15 mins - Php1,000-1,500/pax
•    Jetski - Php2,000(30mins); Php3,500.00(60mins)
•    Zorb Ball Ride, 10sec – Php350-380/pax
•    Helmet Diving, 15mins – Php600/pax

    April 05, 2012

    My Kinabuchs Exotic Food Experience

    We did our homework around the web before visiting Puerto Princesa and Kinabuchs Grill and Bar was one among the most suggested dining place. A must visit actually especially if you’re in to try some exotic dishes such as crocodile and tamilok. So as planned, we visited the place on our second and last night at the city. As we learned our lesson from our Badjao Seafront experience, we came early this time, at around 6pm just to be specific.

    Location & Setting

    Going to Kinabuchs was easy. Since it’s within the city center and along the main street, we just rode the tricycle and paid Php40 at Php10 each. Just as a typical outdoor grill & bar restaurant, the place offers a laid back environment. It has a billiard, bar and dining area in an open air setting.

    As expected, there were only few guests when we arrived. We were welcomed by a waiter and we immediately seated.

    Filipino & Exotic Dishes
    Since we had pork & chicken during our lunch, we decided to eat some healthy food this time. The place has of course a variety of menu to choose from but we chose to have veggies, fish and some exotic dishes!

    Breaded Tamilok - Php130
    The very first exotic food I’ve tasted and I don’t think I would try it again.hahahahah! According to Wikepedia, Tamilok or Shipworms are not worms at all, but rather a group of unusual saltwater clams with very small shells. During our lunch in our Underground River tour, I was able to saw raw Tamiloks served with vinegar and I don’t like what it looks like. It’s somewhat long, slender, and slimy. And so, we opted to order the breaded one hoping that this one tastes better. But no, we can still strongly taste it even with the bread crumbs and eggs. It tastes like Oyster and for those who loves eating Oyster, I’m sure they can tolerate the taste but not for me. :)

    Sinigang na ulo ng isda - Php175
    We were surprised with the serving sized – the fish must be very big with this serving!  The soup was just rightly seasoned and the fish is fresh and taste really good.

    Pinakbet - Php135

    The vegetables were cooked just right, crispy just what we wanted. However, I was not satisfied with it tastes.

    Crocodile Sisig - Php340
     My favorite dish that night! It’s my first time to eat a crocodile dish and I love it. The Crocodile Sisig was perfectly seasoned and the meat was tender. It actually tastes better than pork and without the fatty tastes.

    All in all, we paid Php960 or Php240 per person with the above viands plus a platter of plain rice and a pitcher of ice tea. The foods were also served fast except for the crocodile sisig. Serving size was also enough to be shared for four persons.

    The Verdict
    It was a great first exotic food experience, thanks to their very tasty Crocodile Sisig! Their menu is well-priced and the service was also good and fast. I must say, that dining at Kinabuchs Grill and Bar is a must if you want to try exotic dishes. Just be sure to visit the place early or make reservations to avoid the line.

    Kinabuchs Grill and Bar
    348 Rizal Avenue, BancaoBancao, Puerto Princesa, Palawan
    (048) 434-5195/(048) 434-5194

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