April 05, 2012

My Kinabuchs Exotic Food Experience

We did our homework around the web before visiting Puerto Princesa and Kinabuchs Grill and Bar was one among the most suggested dining place. A must visit actually especially if you’re in to try some exotic dishes such as crocodile and tamilok. So as planned, we visited the place on our second and last night at the city. As we learned our lesson from our Badjao Seafront experience, we came early this time, at around 6pm just to be specific.

Location & Setting

Going to Kinabuchs was easy. Since it’s within the city center and along the main street, we just rode the tricycle and paid Php40 at Php10 each. Just as a typical outdoor grill & bar restaurant, the place offers a laid back environment. It has a billiard, bar and dining area in an open air setting.

As expected, there were only few guests when we arrived. We were welcomed by a waiter and we immediately seated.

Filipino & Exotic Dishes
Since we had pork & chicken during our lunch, we decided to eat some healthy food this time. The place has of course a variety of menu to choose from but we chose to have veggies, fish and some exotic dishes!

Breaded Tamilok - Php130
The very first exotic food I’ve tasted and I don’t think I would try it again.hahahahah! According to Wikepedia, Tamilok or Shipworms are not worms at all, but rather a group of unusual saltwater clams with very small shells. During our lunch in our Underground River tour, I was able to saw raw Tamiloks served with vinegar and I don’t like what it looks like. It’s somewhat long, slender, and slimy. And so, we opted to order the breaded one hoping that this one tastes better. But no, we can still strongly taste it even with the bread crumbs and eggs. It tastes like Oyster and for those who loves eating Oyster, I’m sure they can tolerate the taste but not for me. :)

Sinigang na ulo ng isda - Php175
We were surprised with the serving sized – the fish must be very big with this serving!  The soup was just rightly seasoned and the fish is fresh and taste really good.

Pinakbet - Php135

The vegetables were cooked just right, crispy just what we wanted. However, I was not satisfied with it tastes.

Crocodile Sisig - Php340
 My favorite dish that night! It’s my first time to eat a crocodile dish and I love it. The Crocodile Sisig was perfectly seasoned and the meat was tender. It actually tastes better than pork and without the fatty tastes.

All in all, we paid Php960 or Php240 per person with the above viands plus a platter of plain rice and a pitcher of ice tea. The foods were also served fast except for the crocodile sisig. Serving size was also enough to be shared for four persons.

The Verdict
It was a great first exotic food experience, thanks to their very tasty Crocodile Sisig! Their menu is well-priced and the service was also good and fast. I must say, that dining at Kinabuchs Grill and Bar is a must if you want to try exotic dishes. Just be sure to visit the place early or make reservations to avoid the line.

Kinabuchs Grill and Bar
348 Rizal Avenue, BancaoBancao, Puerto Princesa, Palawan
(048) 434-5195/(048) 434-5194


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