May 27, 2012

Lourdes Grotto in Baguio City

Lourdes Grotto is another famous tourist spot in Baguio City, especially among Catholics.

There were vendors in the area if you’d like to buy some candles and flower garlands to pay homage.

The grotto is located uphill so one must climb the 200+ steps to reach the top. Yeah, it’s quite a long hike but who says we can’t stop to catch our breath and took some photos?!

After reaching the top, we had our moment of silence and said our prayers. We also spent some time appreciating the view uphill of the City of Pines.

And yes, we had our photo op with the natives also. Charged is Php5 per person, Php5 per native and Php5 per shot!  And if you’d like to wear head dress like us, it’s another Php5! So, how much we paid with this photo? Just do the math, okay? :D

Just as we were thirsty from the hike, we were delighted that Manong Taho was just downstairs ready with his famous Strawberry taho for only Php15.


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