May 27, 2012

Baguio Botanical Garden

I love flowers, who doesn’t by the way? :) And I mean not just flower bouquets but the blooming ones, just like growing in a landscaped garden setting. That’s why I was so excited to visit the Botanical Garden when we had our Baguio tour.

The weather was unpredictable that day that it actually rained an hour before we visited the place. Still with rain showers, we visited the garden and we were welcomed by the natives who were so pushy to draw us to take pictures with them, with their costumes and of course for a fee.

The area was relatively huge but I was disappointed that the garden had only few blooming flowers.

We roamed around the garden and we found some cute structures too.

There’s also a horse where in you can ride for a photo shoot. There were also some stores and souvenir items for sale in the area but I wasn’t able to take photos as I was busy searching for blooming flowers which was ironically a few in this famous garden. *sigh*


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