June 16, 2012

What's in in the PMA Grounds?

It’s known to be the school and training venue of the best Filipino men and women aiming for military service, and like many of us, we also would like to witness or at least have a glimpse of what’s in the Philippine Military Academy (PMA) grounds. That’s why on the 2nd day of our exciting Baguio escape, we had PMA tour as our first stop.

Located at Fort Gegorio del Pilar on Loakan Road or at least about 10km from Burnham Park, we headed to PMA few minutes after 8AM. Since it was peak time and on a Monday, our travel time were more than expected, about 45mins to be specific when on normal time and days you can get to the place in 30mins.

The area is very huge and we requested the taxi driver to drop us at the midpoint.
We strolled the area and glad that it’s very clean with properly maintained landscaped.  There are vintage tanks, weapons and helicopters too!

How we wish we could witness drill exhibitions of the cadets, but due to our schedule and time constraints, we didn’t have one..but at least, we had our photo op with the very accommodating cadets.

The PMA grounds are open to the public all year round but it’s said that the best time to visit is during weekends for drill exhibitions and just before lunch time when the cadets would walk to their mesh hall.

P.S. Don’t forget to bring ID when visiting the place as it’s required upon entering the grounds.


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