June 16, 2012

Wright Park in Baguio City

After about a 10-minute walk from the Baguio Botanical Garden, this Jollibee riding in a horse signage welcomed us to Wright Park Baguio City.

There are several horses which can be rented for at least 15 minutes and can stroll around the park. Funny how imaginative they could get to make their horses attractive as possible and lure each tourist or visitor to rent it..see, they even dyed one in pink!

Plants for sale could also be found in the park.

After taking some photos and a short stroll around the area, we headed through this stairs to the other side of the park.

We rested for a while after the somewhat long walked and hiked by sitting beside this long ornamental lagoon until we had a sight of “The Mansion”.

We didn’t realize that the other side of the park is actually just in front of The Mansion and we were just a few steps away from it. And yes, needless to say, we stood up immediately and walked towards the famous sight. Please click here for my entry about The Mansion. J


Steven Gee said...

Riding on a horse is like a cowboy. It is worth to experience it. http://shitifujon.blogspot.com/2012/09/yeeha-on-wright-park.html

Anonymous said...

This horse riding experience is not a good idea, it's very risky. We took my nephew for a 30 minute horse ride and it ended in an accident. The guide who was supposed to be next to the horse and rider, left my nephew on his own and soon after, the horse galloped in full speed and my nephew fell off the horse and was injured. We were then told that accidents like this happen every time, unrecorded until you get to hospital where they would have just treated another person who has fallen from a horse.

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